What We Offer
Individual Therapy
We pride ourselves in focusing on you as the individual and what you need for yourself. We know you are the expert of your own life, and we work with you to help identify what you need as well as how to meet those accomplishments during our sessions.
The first-time meeting with a new client, is when we conduct the initial session, from here we will get to know one another as well as what the therapeutic process may look like for you. The initial session is $105. After the initial session, sessions will be $75 and 50 minutes in duration.
Family Sessions
We know that it can be difficult at times to fully understand what your child needs as well as expressing ourselves so that our child understands us. Which is why we offer parenting sessions, during this time we will work together to identify the goals for your family as well as how we can work together as a unit to meet those goals that you have in place. Sometimes parents need a session to open up about the difficulties they are facing with their child and just want some guidance on how to not feel like they are constantly butting heads.
Family sessions cost $90 per session.
Additional Resources
Notice of Good Faith Estimate: No Surprise Act
You have a right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” which explains how much your medical care will cost. Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services. The therapist will present this to the client and the client will each be provided with a verbal and written Good Faith Estimate.
For information or if you have more questions about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, please visit
www.cms.gov/nosurprises or call 1-800-985-3059.
Parent’s Corner
Association of Play Therapy
Want to know more about how incorporating play therapy could benefit your child?
The Association of Play Therapy (APT) provides a Parents Corner to ask questions, gather information, find resources, and help familiarize yourself with play therapy.